
The Family of Believers

What does it mean to be a member of the family of believers?  In Christ, we are blood relatives in a new way, now related to each other by Jesus' blood shed for us rather than the colloquial “blood relative” phrase alone. We live this out as the church today through both the miraculous and the mundane, because that’s what families do.
This family identity is enjoyed in potlucks, praying for each other, celebrating baptisms, holidays, and weddings together, sharing possessions and meeting practical needs This is “doing life together,” as the trendy Christian catch phrase goes, but I contend there is a depth to this identity rarely explored Are we acting as family or are we really attending meetings and accomplishing the administrative tasks asked of us?  When it comes to living and loving as family, I think we experience moments of delightful sacrificial family life but honestly, overall, probably only scratch the surface of what God intended with that powerful designation.
Caring for seven year-old Shannon last week afforded me a mere peek into the riches of living as a family of believers.  Shannon’s parents delivered a precious baby boy and needed someone to take care of Shannon those first few days that leaving the hospital wasn’t an option On respite in Richmond from their work in China, their local family IS the church.  It’s incredibly novel to me, but normal to them.  So we played Old Maid, we sat down at the dinner table together, we read Bible stories, we tucked Shannon into bed and got her ready for school.  For 48 hours, I learned a little more what it means to live as the family of believers, and I think it made God smile a little bit.  It made me smile too :)

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. 
Galatians 6:10

Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the king.
1 Peter 2:17


In Celebration of Freedom

Why is autumn so intensely beautiful and refreshing?

It might be the fresh start feeling of the “back to school” season or the precision of the drum line at football games. It could also be the first glimpses of vibrantly colored leaves or seasonal pumpkin-flavored delicacies. I think those sounds, sights, smells, and tastes are all part of the allure of autumn, but in my opinion, it is the freedom from oppressive summer heat that causes the season to be welcomed with such open arms. That first chilly morning that resulted in wrapping up in cozy fleece and slipping on soft slippers confirms it.

For me, spring’s offer of freedom from winter’s bitter cold lacks in comparison. Autumn does not offer the plagues of itchy, red eyes and hourly sneezing fits that spring does. With the first buds of spring, freedom from cold is traded for bondage to aggressive allergies. It’s no contest, really. Right now, today, is the best time of year. It’s the sights and sounds, smells and tastes, but it’s also the FREEDOM from the suffocating, muggy heat that we Richmonders know well.

Our nation has recently celebrated freedom with a few high-profile human interest stories. Who is not captivated by the scenes of the U.S. hikers falsely imprisoned in Iran running down airplane steps to their families? Was it possible to miss the overturn of Amanda Knox’s murder conviction and the captivating photos of her tearfully leaving the courtroom?


Can you imagine the relief and joy that these individuals and families experienced upon receiving freedom from imprisonment and even in the case of the hikers, abuse?

Here’s to freedom of all kinds-

freedom from false accusations, prison, abuse, and enslavement;

freedom from sickness, hunger, injustice, and poverty;

freedom from the strong bonds of sinful greed, impatience, malice, and retribution;

freedom from hopelessness, despair, self-pity, and keeping up appearances.

Even still, here’s to freedom from heat, humidity, and hurricanes.

For all of these heaps of grace, thanks be to our Father who created both seasons and freedom and gives them abundantly to our weary bodies and thirsty souls. May we partner with Him to share this freedom with who we can in whatever ways we can.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8