
The Levity Effect

Life has been getting really serious lately.  Jeromy is looking for a job, my employer just went through a round of lay-offs, and a double dip recession is officially upon us.  Socially, I've been spending lots of time with acquaintances and friends alike talking about serious subjects: anxiety, depression, insecurity, and loneliness.  It's not all necessarily bad serious though.  Friends are also having babies, getting married, and landing jobs.

It could be the dark mornings and cold evenings, but whatever the reason, everything and everyone seems so SERIOUS lately. 

So I enjoyed spending the first two hours of my Monday morning in the "corporate world" on this project:
Fondly entitled "P-Section Pumpkin," this entry in our office's annual pumpkin carving contest heralded some much-needed laughter (and won!).  It also led me to look for more opportunities to employ the Levity Effect, as my coworkers call it, at work and home.  In sum, LIGHTEN UP!

So here's to taking ourselves a little less seriously, whether it be by creating borderline graphic pumpkin displays or laughing at the minor freak-out you had yesterday.  God has a sense of humor, so why shouldn't we?

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 

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